After the analyze was finished and reports send to the ship we received a feedback from the crew:



A balanced engine is an engine in which indicated load per unit is equal. Even load ensures safe operation of the engine, minimizes stress on mechanical components of the crankshaft, reduces engine vibration, lowers emissions and fuel consumption. When analyzing, load balance, thermal balance, compression pressure and other parameters are taken into account.

3. Analysis route


High freq. vibrations are checked to verify valve timing is correct.  Between -200 and -100 is the signal for inlet valve closure and after -300 is the signal for exhaust valve closure.



The main engine condition is based on the real load calculated by our measuring equipment, vibration and ultrasonic measurements collected. The fuel system overflow valve condition is based on the pressure readings taken during the engine operation. The data obtained from the engine analysis was processed, analyzed and compiled by a qualified professional analyst, resulting in the following recommendations:

Unit 1

No. 1 – Injector condition has to be checked and readjusted

No. 2 – Injector nozzle has to be visually inspected

Unit 4

No. 1 – Exhaust valve clearance has to be checked and readjusted

No. 2 – Exhaust valve spring has to be visually inspected

Unit 5

No. 1 – Injector condition has to be checked and readjusted

No. 2 – Injector nozzle has to be visually inspected

No. 3 – Exhaust valve clearance has to be checked and readjusted

No. 4 – Exhaust valve spring has to be visually inspected

Unit 6

No. 1 – Inlet and Exhaust valve clearance has to be checked and readjusted

No. 2 – Inlet and Exhaust valve spring has to be visually inspected

Naviser is an international Marine Diesel Engine diagnostic center that performs advanced diagnostic measurements of marine diesel engines around the world.



Early or late valve closure may indicate a problem with clearance, issues with valve drive mechanism, wear on camshaft cam.

Too low or to high indicated power may indicate a problem with injector opening pressure, injector nozzle, injector timing, fuel pump fuel rack wrong setting or fuel pump timing. Low indicated power may be a result of low compression pressure or an issue with inlet valve closing time. Too high or too low exhaust gas temperature can also be a result of too low or too high indicated power, or an issue with exhaust valve closing time.

•   Unit 1, 2, 3 and 7 – Inlet and Exhaust valve timing correct.

•   Unit 4 and 5 – The Exhaust valve closing signal is delayed (Unit 5), small and stretched (Unit 4), therefore a recommendation to check the valve clearance and condition of valve spring was issued.

•   Unit 6 – The Inlet signal is delayed, the Exhaust valve signal is small and stretched therefore a recommendation to check the valve        clearance and condition of valve spring was issued.

High freq. vibrations are checked to verify valve timing is correct.  Between -200 and -100 is the signal for inlet valve closure and after -300 is the signal for exhaust valve closure.
Vibration signal on Fuel pumps, didn’t indicate or show any problems, no actions are needed to be recommended there.
A balanced engine is an engine in which indicated load per unit is equal. Even load ensures safe operation of the engine, minimizes stress on mechanical components of the crankshaft, reduces engine vibration, lowers emissions and fuel consumption.
On the diagrams we can see that this engine exhaust gas temperature and compression pressure is balanced. Unit 5 exhaust valve closure signal is delayed, but this does not effect the exhaust gas temperature significantly.
After the analyze was finished and reports send to the ship we received a feedback from the crew





This document consists of the analysis and detection of engine power imbalance, valve clearance incorrectness and injector problems on MAN B&W 7L28/32H. Combustion pressure, high, raw and ultra signals were checked with vibration equipment.

Vibration signal on Fuel pumps, didn’t indicate or show any problems, no actions are needed to be recommended there.

There is a problem with indicated power balance, unit 1 and 5 generate less power. Possible causes are:

•   Improper injector opening pressure,

•   Injector nozzle partially clogged,

•   Fuel pump timing,

•   Low compression pressure,

•   Issue with inlet and exhaust valve timing,

From the above diagrams we can see that this engine exhaust gas temperature and compression pressure is balanced. Unit 5 exhaust valve closure signal is delayed, but this does not effect the exhaust gas temperature significantly.

Fuel pump from unit 1 and 5 vibrations do not indicate any issues. This leaves with only 2 possibilities for low indicated power on unit 1 and 5:

•   Improper injector opening pressure,

•   Injector nozzle partially clogged,

Therefore a recommendation to check injector opening pressure and nozzle condition was issued for both units.



Recommendation issued for this engine were correct. Valve clearance needed to be readjusted, opening pressure of the injectors was too low and the injector nozzle was found leaking and needed to be replaced. Our recommendations should significantly improve the engine’s operation, the improvement will be visible after the next measurement.

Naviser is an international Marine Diesel Engine diagnostic center that performs advanced diagnostic measurements of marine diesel engines around the world.

+ (48) 58 620 5664

Naviser is an international Marine Diesel Engine diagnostic center that performs advanced diagnostic measurements of marine diesel engines around the world.
